In today’s world, Facebook constantly asks me about what I like — do I like our local coffee shop (Sasha’s), our local bike shop (Champion), or tying my shoe laces? Each day, I am bombarded by emails that a friend has “endorsed” me on LinkedIn as someone who knows a thing or two about music. These are all simple things, easy enough to “like”, but not get involved in. My wife likes to tell an anecdote where, someone was told to “like” their local hardware store to win a prize — so an elderly luddite logged on to Facebook, and wrote a long soliloquy on the hardware store’s wall about how much he loved their service. Sometimes, you feel compelled to say something more than “like” or “endorse”, to be read rather than merely be counted in a data set.

Григорий Владимирович Спектор
"A groise hoohem", realy! (in idish)!