Grateful to have contributed some fadolín and arranging to this incredibly beautiful performance of the song “Alfonsina y El Mar” by longtime collaborator Natalia Lafourcade. In the past few years, I have written many arrangements for Natalia’s orchestral collaborations with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Philharmonic Orchestra of the Americas and others — and I’ve also appeared as a guest on stage with her as a violist/fadolínist – but this was the first time we’ve worked together on a recording, remotely, from our homes.
Here is a page about Alfonsina Storni, the Argentine poet whose death inspired the song.
Thank you, Natalia! Gracias, vida!
Alfonsina y el Mar (1969)
Letra: Felix Luna
Musica: Ariel Ramirez
Dirección: Natalia Lafourcade
Cámara: Alejandra Quesada, Blanca Ceguera y Juan Pablo López Fonseca
Edición: Alessandra Zapata
Corrección de color: Bruno Bancalari
Dirección y realización musical: Natalia Lafourcade y Noah Georgerson
Grabación: Alan Ortiz
Arreglos: Noah Georgerson, Danny Bensi y Ljova
Guitarra 1: Natalia Lafourcade
Guitarra 2: Noah Georgenson
Chelista: Danny Bensi
Fadolín: Ljova
||> See a playlist videos of Ljova’s new music released during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Natalia Lafourcade – Que te vayo bonito Nicolás (with arrangements by Ljova) – LJOVA (Lev Zhurbin) – composer, arranger, fadolínist, violist | music for film, Ljova and the Kontraband, and other projects
[…] the LA Phil, and during the pandemic I had the honor of recording strings for her video of “Alfonsína y el mar“.In these twelve years, Natalia has been a constant source of inspiration, leadership, grace, […]